
Social Justice is at the heart of many Unitarian Universalists’ faith and the social action committee was created to serve that facet of our faith.

We are accredited from the Unitarian Universalist Society as a Welcoming Congregation to gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgender people. Currently, we are working on achieving “Green Sanctuary” status from our national organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association.

We have a social action committee which meets every month on the first Sunday, immediately after service.  At that meeting we plan events for the month and beyond.  All are welcome to attend these meetings.

Our social justice activities include:

Sharing the Plate: Share-the-Plate is a community outreach project that reflects the TPUUF social justice philosophy. By donating one half of our Sunday non-pledge collection to a nonprofit group selected by the Social Action Committee, TPUUF gives back to the community in a meaningful and ongoing way.  Share-the-Plate is held on Brunch Sunday (the second Sunday of the month).  A local group is selected by the Social Action committee. A brief description of the work of the selected group is included in service. Half of the funds collected that day are donated to the selected cause.  Some groups we have supported are William Way, SAAC, Variety Club Camp, Laurel House, and Suicide Prevention with a special emphasis on youth.  More information about our Share-the-Plate recipients can be found at our facebook page

Personal Lobbying:  This program of letterwriting is a way of contacting local, state, and national governmental figures about issues of concern.  A recent intergenerational letterwriting activity was the preparation of illustrations for World Peace by our youth and their adult helpers.  These “letters” were delivered to local officials and also displayed in our sanctuary.

Observation of World Aids Day:  Sunday service is conducted by the Social Action Committee.  This takes place annually.

Fair Trade Coffee Sales:  These sales are ongoing. Fair trade coffee is available in our lobby.

Activities Geared to Ending the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to Building World Peace:  This will include the Eyes Wide Open Exhibit at the Fellowship in April 2009.  We also are involved on a regular basis with initiatives from the UUA.

Support of Norristown Ministries:  This is done by a monthly dinner at Central Presbyterian Church in Norristown for the homeless and also by funding for the work of the Ministries.

Middle East Discussion Group:  This group is working to improve understanding about the Middle East, to improve our own cummunication about the Middle East, and also to plan events for the future about the situation in the Middle East.

Fellowship Cinema:  This is a movie night at our fellowship building where films about social justice or of theological interest are held.  These programs are open to the public.  Fellowship Cinema plays the first Friday of every month.

Committee Chairs: Lorraine Lee and Dorothy Tarka