UU Troubadours – Ballads: Our Stories in Song

Around this time of year, more specifically around the anniversary of the birth of Pete Seeger, we honor Unitarian Universalist troubadours, the singer/songwriters who create music that helps make our liberal religious faith more accessible and inspires us to greater heights of spiritual awakening, compassion, and social action. It’s become a TPUUF tradition! And on the subject of tradition, traditional ballads are folksongs that tell stories—from historic legends, fairy tales, and fables to jokes and tales of outlaws and star-crossed lovers. The modern recording industry applies the term “ballad” to a slow, romantic song that often tells the “story” of an event or moment in a songster’s life and/or in a relationship. In the traditional or modern sense, ballads unite the power of story and the power of song to help listeners relate to people and situations and to find more personal—or universal!—meaning in what others have experienced. So, this year, when our monthly Soul Matters theme is “Story,” we’ll focus on ballads by UU troubadours, including some by our most famous and beloved UU troubadour, Pete Seeger. Expect reflection on how and why their stories in song nourish and inspire us. And, of course, expect lots of wonderful music!

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
UU Troubadours - Ballads: Our Stories in Song