Love in the Face of Hate – When Peace Is Not Easy

We all learned the simple ways to make peace, to smile, make friends, ask questions, listen, forgive. But how do we deal with people invested in creating a “lose-lose situation?” Are they just not on our radar? Do we choose to avoid them, rather than risk engagement? Extending the olive branch takes courage but can reward us with the opportunity to learn.

Jim Scott is among the most well-known and accomplished UU Troubadours—the singer/songwriters who make our Unitarian Universalist faith more accessible and inspire us to greater heights of spiritual awakening, compassion, and social action. We’re delighted to welcome him back to our pulpit. He led worship here in the Fall of 2016 to help us celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of our Fellowship and, just this past August, led a service also focused on the theme of peace.

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Love in the Face of Hate - When Peace Is Not Easy