Share the Plate – March – Church of the Larger Fellowship’s The Worthy Now Prison Ministry Network

Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote seven principles. At the top of the list is an affirmation of the inherent worth and dignity of every person. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the free world or imprisoned. All are worthy of love and justice — not someday, but right now. This is the saving message of our First Principle. And it is the foundation for the Worthy Now Network. The Worthy Now Prison Ministry Network is a liberal religious coalition powered by the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF). It includes individuals, groups, and communities of faith called to prison ministry/justice. Our dream is for all people who are imprisoned to know they are inherently Worthy Now of love and justice. And for them to have access to religious freedom.

Our Call

The Worthy Now Network developed from two differing needs. The 3,500 members of the CLF includes more than 750 people (and growing) who are living in prisons across the United States. Some were already UUs, but the majority learned about Unitarian Universalism’s saving message by being connected to the CLF by others who are incarcerated. Worthy Now helps extend CLF’s reach to meet the demand for our faith among this population.

Our Priorities

The Worthy Now Network shares its goals with the whole of the CLF: to Connect, Deepen, and Act on our Unitarian Universalist values. We do this through the following programs and offerings:

 Prison Ambassador Certification Program

 Circles of Support

 Letter Writing Ministry

 Classes

You can learn more about Worthy Now at [email protected] or by calling 617-948-6150